Some times ago my mum gave me this Lebanese recipe book. I knew most of the recipes, but not all of them. I knew about this one, even though I rarely have it, as it is not one my grand-mother’s favourite, and not one that you can find in a common Lebanese restaurant. I love aubergines, so I thought I would give it a go, especially that it is a healthy recipe, low in fat and carbs.
Ingredients for 4 portions:
For the aubergines:
- 700 g of small aubergines
- 1 large onion
- 400 g of chopped tomatoes (I use the canned ones)
- 1 tablespoon of tomato puree
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- Salt, pepper
For the filling:
- 175 g of minced meat (either lamb or beef)
- 60 g of risotto rice
- 3 to 4 tablespoons of water
- ½ teaspoon of grounded cinnamon
- Salt, pepper
- Preparation: 45 mins
- Cooking: 40 mins
- Rest: none
1- First, the filling:
Very straightforward: put everything except the rice into the food processor and mix. Then incorporate the rice gently with a spoon.
2- Then the aubergines:
Wash them and keep the two smallest ones on the side, we will use them later on.
Cut off the stalk and remove the core using an apple corer. Keep half of the flesh, and get rid of the other half.
Fill the aubergine up to three quarter with the filling (leave a little bit of space as the rice will swell a little bit).
3- Last step: the cooking:
Slice the two small aubergines you left on the side, chop roughly the flesh you removed from the other aubergines, and chopped the onion.
Put the onions in a hot cooking pot with the olive oil and cook them for 3 to 4 minutes. Then add the tomatoes, the flesh and slices of aubergine, salt and pepper and cook again for a couple of minutes while stirring from time to time.
Remove from heat, and line the aubergines in the pot. Dilute the tomato puree in a glass of warm water, pour it over the aubergines and cook covered over high heat for 25 to 30 minutes, while stirring from time to time.
Then reduce the heat to low, and leave for another 10 minutes (the liquid should be almost completely evaporated and the sauce a little bit thick). It’s ready, bon appetite!
Bonjour Vanessa,
Ben ça alors c’est une recette que je fais très régulièrement (sans riz), car dans le midi de la France d’où je suis originaire c’est un plat que l’on prépare aussi. Mais je ne savais pas que c’est un plat que l’on fait au Liban. Je confirme que c’est très bon et tout le monde se régale.
Pour le moule forme cœur je n’en ai pas trouve en boutique donc j’ai pris un rectangle cela me servira pour faire un fraisier (je vais me lancer), j’en ai trouve par contre sur le net avec d’autres accessoires pour pâtisserie que je vais commander.
Dimanche pluvieux ici, bonne journée à toi Vanessa.
Bonjour Gene !
Et bien de mon coté je ne savais pas que les aubergines farcies libanaises avaient des cousines dans le midi, on en apprend tous les jours 🙂
Pour le moule en coeur que tu n’as pas trouvé, je te conseille un tour sur le net, tu trouveras surement. Et de toute facon, en coeur ou en carré, ton gateau sera très bon je suis sure !
Dimanche pluvieux, et Lundi tout pareil à London ! J’espère que chez toi c’est mieux…